Hey Mabs
Do personalised registration plates increase the chances of being hijacked?
I’m buying my dream car, exactly as I imagined – with a personalised license plate featuring the nickname of someone special. A friend warned that customised plates could make me a target for hijackers, especially since I live in the township. She was adamant that it was a bad idea and refused to see my point. Without the plates, my dream feels incomplete. Is it true that personalised plates increase the risk of hijacking?

Mabs answers:
Congratulations on buying your dream car! I hope it brings you joy and many memorable adventures xploring our beautiful country. Personally, I’m not a fan of personalised car registration because it compromises your anonymity and privacy, especially in public spaces like shopping centres. However, if you have a business, customised registration plates can be a smart way to market your services and create visibility through your fleet.

Criminals are opportunistic and always find ways to target hardworking people. However, I don’t believe personalised registration plates are a factor for hijackers. They typically target cars based on the make and colour, often following orders from the criminal underworld.

Lately, there have been stories of kidnappings, suggesting this form of crime might be on the rise. Custom registration could compromise your security by making it easier to track your movements. However, this is a personal preference. I wish you the best with whatever you decide.